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Public Work Department (B&R) and Project Implementation Unit (PWD PIU) is the premier agency of Government of Madhya Pradesh engaged in Planning, Designing, Construction and Maintenance of Government assets like Roads, Bridges, ROB's, Fly Overs and Buildings.
The main activities of the PWD (B&R) are Construction, Upgradation and Maintenance of National Highways, Major District Roads, Other District Roads, Village Roads and Construction of Bridges, Fly Overs and ROB's in the State. The total length of Road network in PWD is about 61,616.00 kms.
The PWD PIU undertakes Construction of Buildings in the State in Project mode.
Departmental Activities
Organization Setup
Public Work Department has two wings PWD (B&R) & PWD PIU. PWD (B&R) looks after Construction,
Upgradation and Maintenance of roads and bridges, and Upgradation & Maintenance of Buildings . PWD PIU is responsible for Construction of Buildings in the State.
The Organization Setup of PWD: Engineer-in-Chief is the head of the Department assisted by Nine Zones each zone is headed by a Chief Engineer.
Zones are namely Capital Zone Bhopal, West Zone Indore, North Zone Gwalior, Central Zone Jabalpur, Rewa Zone Rewa, Sagar Zone Sagar, Ujjain Zone Ujjain, Bridge Zone Bhopal and National Highway Zone Bhopal. Zone offices consist of Circles headed by Superintending Engineer. The Divisions are under the control of circles and headed by Executive Engineer who is Divisional head.
The Divisions assisted by Assistant Engineers/SDO's who
Our Mission
To introduce innovative Technology in the Construction and Maintenance of road network.
To provide an adequate and efficient Road system encompassing all transportation needs so as to ensure smooth and uninterrupted flow of goods and passengers traffic both within the State as well as on interstate routes.
To provide sustainable development of Road network in the State.
To train team of our Engineers to adopt latest technology.
Improvement of Road geometrics and safety provisions.
To replace existing level crossin